by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical

couple arguing

Furnace season is upon us and the thermostat is about to become a “hot” button. (excuse the bad pun). You often hear of people fighting over the thermostat setting in their home. It is common to hear of women wanting it warmer and men turning it down. Combine this with approximately 85% of both men and women thinking they have control over the thermostat (according to home advisor), and you have a recipe for an argument. There may be some scientific explanation for this according to some studies.

Some Reasons Women May Feel Colder Than Men May Include….

  • Women have slower metabolic rates than men. (according to the Journal of Applied Physiology)


  • Women have colder hands and feet than men by a few degrees (according to The Lancet).


  • Women actually have higher body temperatures than men (according to a study by the University of Maryland School of Medicine). If your body is used to being warm, then cold will feel even colder.

cold person

Compounding the problem and making things potentially worse, you may have different levels in your home with different temperatures. It may be 66 F in one room and 72 F in another with no real way to control this.

different temperatures

OK guys, it sounds like she has a legitimate argument for being cold, and ladies, it sounds like you will have to comprise to keep him comfortable as well……………….. or is there another solution?

Consider installing an iHarmony Zoning System

Now you can have control over multiple rooms in your home from multiple thermostats. You can control the furnace and air conditioner settings from your thermostat or smart phone for different rooms in your house. Now you can keep everyone in your family happy and comfortable with Lennox and Pro Service. Call today to find out more at 306-230-2442. Check out the video below to learn more.

Looking for Furnace Service Or A New Heating And/or Cooling System At Your Home?

Click the van to find out more about our $115 Home Furnace Tune-up!

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If you have any other questions or concerns about Cooling, Heating or Plumbing call the pros from Pro Service at 306-230-2442. We have 24/7 365 emergency service and we are always here to help.

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