Plumbing Saskatoon, Sink Clogs

Plumbing Saskatoon, Sink Clogs by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical Those pesky sink clogs can be a real nuisance. Slow draining, overflowing sinks and odor problems in your bathroom or kitchen can be a real problem and lead to damage and real unpleasantness. Here are a few tips to get things moving again. Flush […]
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Furnace Install Saskatoon

We have the best furnace products with all the latest from Lennox. We have numerous financing options with the SaskEnergy Energy Star Loan Program. We can offer as low as 0% on a new water heater and options on a new furnace from prime plus 1 to prime plus 2 % OAC. Credit issues? We […]
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Saskatoon Plumbing Tips, Water Heater Maintenance

by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical Have you heard the story of your neighbors water heater that lasted 30 years? Well you should not expect that kind of longevity but it is likely that the water heater was well maintained to last that long. We all have heard the lecture from our parents or […]
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Furnace Tips Saskatoon

Old furnaces waste a lot of energy by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical Think your old furnace is working just fine, well think again. It may be operating properly but it is likely wasting a pile of energy and therefore money Your Typical Conventional Furnace A conventional furnace (assuming it`s running on natural gas […]
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New Furnace? There is a lot to think about.

New Furnace? There Is A Lot To Think About. by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical For most of us replacing our furnace can be a bit overwhelming. There are many important things to be aware of so here are a few tips to make it more manageable. What kind of furnace do I need? […]
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Don’t ignore your Sump pump!

by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical Maybe the most important and overlooked part of your plumbing system in your home is the Sump pump. If it is not maintained or inoperative you may be looking at serious damage to your home. Lets get to know our Sump pump, how it should be installed and […]
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